Over the past months adjusting to the “new normal” of quarantine and social distancing has been tough for everyone. Through all of this, I have been doing a little too much retail therapy... But with good intentions!
My goal has been simple, to remain active, focus on my health, and to be a positive light that helps others get through this both physically and mentally!
Setting goals and trying new things has really helped me grow and remain motivated. I’m so excited to share with you all some of my favorite products I have been using over quarantine that have helped me keep moving and feeling good!

Skim Cozy Collection: This loungewear line has been a dream come true when it comes to WFH. I have been living in the Cozy tank top, shorts, and robe. The robe is what gets me out of bed in the morning when I don’t have to be anywhere to be, the AC is cranked, and I just want warm morning cuddles... But we have work to do ladies! The soft and warm material the cozy collection is made out of has honestly changed my entire quarantine experience and I couldn't recommend it more. And I am not just saying this so Kim K will like me! But Kim, if you're reading this... LETS HANGOUT IN OUR SKIMS AND SPILL THE TEA!

Neck Hammock: If you’ve been following my Instagram stories then you’ve probably seen me use my neck hammock -- I guess the kids these days call it "mocking". Even though it is hard to look cute while using it, it is so worth it. It takes less than 10 minutes to DE-STRESS your neck! It helps to eliminate tension headaches, improve posture, released pinches nerves, and just helps me relax overall!
I instantly want to fall asleep after I use it. And now that so many of us are working from home and constantly having to stare at our devices... It is a serious game changer! If you prefer to buy on Amazon click here.

Time Block: Recently, I have been struggling with productivity and I love finishing the day with a sense of accomplishment! I am Juggling a lot of projects at once and I desperately need to revisit my favorite book of all time The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results. But this time I decided to tryout a few easy productivity hacks from one of my favorite bloggers, Lauryn Evarts... And this little time cube has been so life-changing and has helped me become much more productive! I learned about this device from the Skinny Confidential Podcast and now I can’t imagine WFH without it! This cube helps me manage my time by helping me focus on just one thing for a set amount of time, instead of trying to juggle too much at once. I’ve seen my productivity and motivation improve because of it. I use it for more than just work, I block my time for working out, cooking, self-care, and more!
Beis Mini Travel Tote: Even though I haven’t done much traveling this bag makes the best work/ gym bag EVER. I love packing up my bag at the beginning of the day because then I can bounce around to different work spots if I need to get out of my house (a change of scenery every now and then is key!). The tote is big enough to fit everything I need and also has a removable cosmetic bag, that can also be used for shoes or sweaty workout clothes.

A major key to living a happy and fulfilled life is giving into the power of gratitude. It is so important for me to take the time each day to stop, sit down, and write down a few things I’m grateful for. It really helps put things into perspective and has such a positive effect on my mood. And it is all backed by science! I have practiced journaling throughout my adult life, but the key is consistency. This is exactly why I love this specific Gratitude Journal! It helps me stay on track and organized with my gratitude practice, and it only takes 5 minutes! Leaves no room excuses!

The CloudSwift ON Running shoes: Since I’ve been doing A TON of walking/running outside, with the gym being closed... I couldn’t not include my all-time favorite running shoes! These shoes have been such a game-changer and offer so much support. It seriously feels like I’m running ON clouds whenever I wear them! I also have the new generation shoe, Cloud X, which are made for cross-training and they are also amazing if you incorporate more strength training!

I have been CRUSHING Thrive Market products. I currently do not have a Whole Foods, Trader Joes, or "trendy" health food store (which I am a huge sucker for) within a few miles so I have been ordering A LOT of pantry items, supplements, sweet tooth hacks as well as toxic-free home supplies, clean wine, makeup, skincare products (clean living is a BIG priority for me right now because this COVID Craziness brought on a Hashimoto's flare-up, which is a story for another post.) Anyway, you name it, Thrive has it and it is just way too convenient not to buy everything from there! I highly recommend getting a membership!
Click The Link Below To Purchase A Membership and Get A Free Gift Item!
Also, for every membership purchased they give a free membership to a family in need.

Okay, I know its bad but I have never been able to drink out of a water bottle. Something about long term use of a water bottle freaks me out. I usually will buy a gallon and use that as my water bottle... Anyway, with Hashimotos I have decided that is is time for me to get a water bottle that filters the water is BPA and Toxic Free,
you know the drill....